Published by Shekhar

Welcome to ShakyNotes - a blog specially meant for civil services aspirant and also other related examinations. Hello my name is Shekhor Phukan and I am an academic enthusiast. I have been associated with academics for quite a while and for some time now helping out students to reach their desired career goals. Today at this age which I term as an age of information overload ,the question one faces is not about getting information but about getting genuine, simplified and coherent information Today's students/aspirants who have their mind well sort to become a civil servant ,gets bog down and lose their way in midst of the preparation because of this very nature Keeping attune with this thought process I am starting this blog to help students specially the civil servant aspirants to come out from the cloud of too much/too many(confusions) to that of clear ,logical and to the point information. My notes, will help each and every student/aspirant -be whosoever they are to and at whatever level of preparation they are in-to cross the bridge of success and attain their dream career Wishing you all a very best for your great future .

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